Romanian LLW model
LLW model represents an innovation in the Grundtvig Widening and Strengthening the European Dimension of the LLW movement project (LLW G1 project). At the beginning the model was designed by coordinating institution, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. The SI LLW model is a generalised version of LLW plans and experiences gained with implementing LF in previous years. According to SI LLW model, all project partners have developed their LLW models. The model facilitates implementation of learning festivals in the coming years and empowers national/thematic coordinators and their networks in promoting the learning festival movement on local, regional and national level, and therefore improving cooperation among different stakeholders and areas of lifelong learning. The structure of the model consists of 10 items: 1) Identity card, 2) Relevant LLW related documents and references, 3) LLW goals/impact related to attitudes and values, to practice, to theory and to policy, 4) Main LLW aspects and corresponding actors, 5) Harmonised activities, 6) Categorisation of LLW providers of events, 7) Categorisation of LLW events, 8) Awards of exceptional achievements, 9) Promotional and informative material, 10 Funding.
RO_LLW_model.pdf (33 kB)

Romanian dissemination and media promotion plan
National dissemination and media promotion plans define the dissemination and media promotion of the project and its outputs. The dissemination plan defines the target groups at local, regional and national levels and the dissemination tools that have been used for dissemination and promotion. Media promotion plan defines level, stages, types and materials of promotion.
RO_DisseminationPlan.pdf (38 kB)

Romanian LLW report
LLW report 2003 is based on the national contexts and goals as defined by the LLWs and the Grundtvig Widening and Strengthening the European Dimension of the LLW movement project (LLW G1 project). The report gives an overview of project outputs executed in LLW, presents innovation and European dimension in LLW 2003, as well as the results of the innovative approach to LLW evaluation. It specifies the providers and participants, and links with other networks. Besides that, it offers plans for extending the implementation of LLW G1 project outcomes beyond the support from Grundtvig. It also outlines recommendations for future LLW.
LLW-Report_BG.pdf (122 kB)

Lifelong Learning Festival in Romania, the 4th edition

Modern citizens are caracterized by being part of the lifelong learning process.
Adult Education providers are also adapting themselves to the knowledge society.
You have to continously learn to use information in order to face the labour market demands.
We are building the active citizenship by promoting adult education and lifelong learning.

These are few of the messages launched within the Lifelong Learning Festival in Romania, a national and regional event which is on going between the 3rd and 9th of November 2004 all over the country.
Lifelong Learning Week entered the memory of the people all over the country through its interesting, unsusal activities and good practices promoting the diverse learning opportunities and environments, such as: presentation of cultural and adult education studies, books, lectures, AE publications; launching of continuous training and vocational courses offers; open days‚ debates, seminars, workshops, promotion and experimental training courses for adults; job markets; anti-drug campaigns in discotheques; social inclusion activities for Roma population, refugees, immigrants; basic skills program and art exhibition for the offenders; intercultural cross-border programmes; street interviews; launching new training programs for teachers, parents and pupils.
Within the fourth edition of the Lifelong Learning Week a series of national seminars on Active Citizenschip through Adult Education topic will be held in Bucharest and in several localities and Regional Centres for Adult Education all over the country.
AE practitioners, university’s representatives, local authorities and decision-makers on education and employability policy, private AE suppliers, representatives of GOs and NGOs will join the seminars together with experts from Bulgaria, Macedonia and Yugoslavia.
The national celebration of adult education in Romania can be considered a fruitful opportunity for strenghtening the local and regional partnerships among the EbiS countries by sharing and tranfering the experience and good practice of adult education and lifelong learning activities.
Adult Learner’s Week in Romania
Each autumn, at the beginning of November, Romanians were accustomed to include in their cultural and education calendar the celebration of Adult Learner’s Week (Festivalul Sanselor Tale – in Romanian language). It’s both an occasion for AE suppliers bilance on the education market and an opportunity for personal and professional carrier improvement.
In 2003, the event will be held from 3 to 9 of November and has a clear message: adult education is not only a national policy to foster economy but also a personal and professional carrier but at European dimenssion.
Adult Learner’s Week put together, for the forth time, the effort and inspiration of the Ministry of Education and Reseach, the Ministry of Culture and Cults and the National Council for Adult Professional Training and AE non-governmental organizations in organizing, developing and promoting the national event.
On a short overview regarding the rate of participation, one can be considered that in 2000 we registred over 300.000 participants, 115 suppliers from more than 65 localities, in 2001 – the number of participants raised to 500.000, 195 suppliers from more than 35 counties and in 2002 - 750.000 participants were estimated together with 215 suppliers from more than 37 counties.
In 2003 we envisage the participation of 200 adult education suppliers all over the country, involving at least 1 million visitors, from youngsters to senior people.
Workshops, presentations, lectures, open days, artistic performances, exibitions and demonstration will be addressed, as in every year, to the young graduates seeking for a carrier or a working place, to social and economic disadvantaged people, people with dissabilities, to national minorities, refugees, unemployed, women, people with low education level and also to seniors willing to share their life and professional experiences and who participate to loisir and entertainment activities and hobbies.
Such a descentralized wide-national event requests a coherent organization. The National Association of the Regional AE Centers with the cooperation of IIZ/DVV Project Romania and the National Association of the Popular Universities build up national a coordination plan which will be developed at local level by the Regional AE Centers and their institution network and partners. A special topic is the media partnership at national and local level . Local newspapers and TV channels will report AL’sW activities and best practices, interviews with AE specialits, presenting the workshops outputs, the sponsors, decision makers participation and involvement and the European wide impaortance of the event.
Adult Learner’s Week in Romania is a celebration of learning in diverse places and environments. Kindergartens, schools, high schools, universities, private education and training centres, GOs and NGOs learning organizations, museums, libraries, in rural and urban areas,cultural houses, folk universities, theatres, cinemas,cultural and educational counties’ departments, private learning companies, continuous training centres of the commerce and industry chambers, parks, non-conventional learning areas will be involved in developing adult learning activities and events.
In Bucharest will be organized the Continuous Training Offer FAIR.
Last year, in order to promote the importance of lifelong learning, the Continuous Training Offer FAIR was organized within the frame of international fairs, in one of the pavillions of the ROMEXPO International Exhibition Hall, where adult education and continous training suppliers displayed their educational and continuous training programmes, promoting services, programmes and products (handbooks, courses, dictionaries, educational kits, didactical movies, and CDs).
The program will also encompass workshops, round table, music audition, exhibitions, folk performances, art and photo exhibition, etc.
One of the most important issues regarding adult education in Romania was the settlement of a coherent legislative framework, containing a realistic methodology of AE institutional capacity, qualification and competencies accreditation system, etc. It’s the reason that the first workshops and debates were around the legislative topics in adult education (2001 - "Legislation and improvising in Romanian adult education”; 2002 – Launching the last acts on adults professional training and their methodological procedures; The importance of the partnership in learning partnerships projects - national and international approach”. In 2002 the general interest themes and communities issues were related to women and the knowledge society; social inclusion through “second chance” programmes for disadvantaged social categories, young people with a low educational level or who abandoned school, senior citizens; European integration and work mobility and professional competence at a national and European level.
Adult Learner’s Week entered the memory of the people all over the country through its interesting, unsusal activities and good practices promoting the diverse learning opportunities and environments, such as: presentation of cultural and adult education studies, books, lectures, AE publications; launching of continuous training and vocational courses offers; open days‚ debates, seminars, workshops, promotion and experimental training courses for adults; job markets; anti-drug campaigns in discotheques; social inclusion activities for Roma population, refugees, immigrants; basic skills program and art exhibition for the offenders; intercultural cross-border programmes; street interviews; launching new training programs for teachers, parents and pupils.
Within the fourth edition of the AL’sW edition, a national seminar on Exercise Daily Democracy through Adult Education topic will be held in Bucharest, Cluj, Giurgiu, Pucioasa and Tg. Mures Adult Education Regional Centres on the 8th of November 2003. AE practitioners, university’s representatives, local authorities and decision-makers on education and employability policy, private AE suppliers, representatives of GOs and NGOs are invited to join the seminars.
Best activities and achievements in AE will be awarded with special diplomas and promoted on the IIZDVV Project Romania and on the Romanian LLWFestival’s web sites.
In order to share crossborder experiences and good practices, to Giurgiu Regional Center for Adult Education representatives from Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Bulgaria will be invited to join the seminars.
2003 is very important for the European dimenssion of lifelong learning movement. Romania, among other South-Eastern Europe countries, will participate to the first Lifelong Learning Regional Festival hold in Skopje, from 14 to 19 of October 2003 (see and throught the EU project „Widening and strenghtening the European dimenssion of the LLW movement” othe EU countries will experience for the first time the event (Spain)(See
IIZ/DVV Project Romania, the initiator of the annually event, provides the financial support for the national and local organization, publishing costs for the informative materials (poster, leaflet, catalogues, etc) and other adult education studies, brochures, courses, projects and programmes presentation launched during the Adult Learner’s Week.
Compiled by:
Cristiana Vlad,
IIZ/DVV Project Romania,
Project coordinator collaborator



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(C) 2003 Slovenian Institute for Adult Education and LLW5 group, last edited: 05.01.2005
Nina Špolar, Computer realization: Franci Lajovic
editors: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, Darijan Novak